Franchise Analytics.
Straight from the FDD.

ML-driven insights, no fluff, just data from Franchise Disclosure Documents.

Sandbar Insights Dashboard


There's no reason to ever look at an FDD again.

Automated Data Extraction

Effortlessly extracted details from FDDs with automated precision.

Interactive Dashboards

Engage and explore franchise data through interactive and intuitive visuals.

Chat Support

Get your questions answered within minutes.

Market Demographics

Uncover target market insights and competitive analysis for informed strategies.

Financial Metrics

In-depth financial analysis reveals revenue, costs, and profitability ratios.

Location Mapping

Identify untapped potential and optimize franchise locations for growth.

Sandbar Insights

Frequently asked questions

The questions below have been selected from those most commonly asked by our customers.
What is Sandbar Insights?
Sandbar Insights is a powerful franchise analytics software designed to extract data from Franchise Disclosure Documents (FDDs) and present it in a user-friendly and digestible format. It provides franchise owners and operators with comprehensive insights and actionable intelligence to drive informed decision-making.
Sandbar Insights utilizes advanced algorithms and natural language processing (NLP) techniques to analyze FDDs. It automatically extracts relevant information, such as financial data, franchise fees, locations, and more. This automated process saves time and effort, eliminating the need for manual data entry.
Sandbar Insights provides a powerful search tool, easy-to-understand insights, and full FDDs. You get the freshest, most accurate info with us. Plus, our team's always working to make our software better and more helpful for you. With Sandbar, you'll make decisions with confidence, backed by solid data.
Sandbar Insights is for franchise owners, operators, executives, development teams, consultants, analysts, and prospective franchisees who are seeking a comprehensive franchise analytics solution to unlock valuable insights, drive growth, and make data-backed decisions.